
Showing posts from October, 2023

public health



 go-to way is what I use for myself when I start to feel anxious. Since anxiety is a physical response to real or perceived immediate danger, and I know there’s no danger, I skip the thinking part of my brain, the supratentorian cortex, and go right for the old mammalian brain, specifically the limbic system. In other words I quickly relax the body: long slow exhales low in the belly, dropping shoulders, shutting mouth with a faint smile, opening palms, and everything else associated with comfort and ease. It’s a routine I had to learn, but once you’ve practiced it, it takes just a few seconds to start. That’s much more helplful than hanging out in the thinking part of my brain and trying to talk myself out of something. The self-talk starts once the body is in a more receptive mode. Disclaimer: DISCLAIMER FOR ALL MY QUORA ANSWERS . Robert Booker Peer Support Specialist does not provide any psychological or other health-related services or advice to individuals on Quora, and even w...

Celebrate Recovery

The sophomore said that mental health is your emotional state, and how you feel at that specific time. They said mental illness is different from mental health because it is a problem that may need therapy or medication. The junior said mental health is you being able to control everything that is going on in your head. It is focusing on yourself internally. They said that mental illness is ADHD, ADD, and more that they’re not aware of.  What is the actual difference between mental health and mental illness? According to ‘Heretohelp,’ mental health is “Our emotions, our thoughts and feelings, our ability to solve problems and overcome difficulties, our social connections, and our understanding of the world around us.”  Mental health is allegedly just how you are feeling in the given moment. Ways to maintain a healthy mental health are to: exercise regularly, stay positive, get 8-12 hours of sleep, stay connected with others, and eat a balanced diet. Also according to ‘Heretohe...


Believing Recovery Is Possible For Us | The Guest House When we’re struggling with our addictions, and when we’re feeling challenged in our recovery, much of our difficulty comes from the fact that we don’t fully believe recovery is even possible for us. While we consciously want to believe we can get sober, subconsciously we feel otherwise. We’re perpetuating all kinds of limiting beliefs about our own strength and about the feasibility of sobriety. We’re telling ourselves that if we haven’t managed to get sober yet, we may never be able to. We’re convinced that other people’s relapses, as well as our own, are proof that we can’t be successful. When we hear success stories from people in recovery, we tell ourselves those are exceptions to the rule and not the norm. When we don’t wholeheartedly believe that recovery is possible for us, we tend to hold ourselves back in our recovery, hinder our progress, and manifest setbacks that we take to be further evidence of our impending failure....