Self Actualization
self actualization this variable measure whether or not the counselor is himself involved in the growth process. A self actualization counselor learns from his client while the client is learning from him he serves as a model of effective full living he is able to express himself freely because he does not see himself as having arrived t ok fall back on roles or phoniness because he is not having to protect himself from becoming known because he accepts himself as a finite being with strength and weekness he does not have to judge or moralize the client Self actualization is really a technical word whose definition is based on scientific research from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The studies of self actualizing people, it has been found that definitely needs are met, people tend to operate out of needs. When needs are gratified through love and enhancing one potentials, no longer concerned with ego at the expense of one self. People who rate high on self actualization scale...