Self Actualization
self actualization this variable measure whether or not the counselor is himself involved in the growth process. A self actualization counselor learns from his client while the client is learning from him he serves as a model of effective full living he is able to express himself freely because he does not see himself as having arrived t ok fall back on roles or phoniness because he is not having to protect himself from becoming known because he accepts himself as a finite being with strength and weekness he does not have to judge or moralize the client
Self actualization is really a technical word whose definition is based on scientific research from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The studies of self actualizing people, it has been found that definitely needs are met, people tend to operate out of needs. When needs are gratified through love and enhancing one potentials, no longer concerned with ego at the expense of one self. People who rate high on self actualization scales are more loving and concerned with other people in society from this that human nature is basically good. Self actualization is not merely and trait or characteristics which correlate with help what does a personality mean spending time with confidence in life discsion.
A person will begin experienceing in the moment more fully and surrender with full concentration and without self conscious. Remember when were adolescent and had the feeling we were the center of attention whatever we were doing public or private people judges were watching us. In self actualization process this feeling tends to discover and begin doing for our selves rather than doing for a audience. This process is possible very closely to the process of creating being able to complete in the moment. The self actualization will choose the stages of recovery, admission, compliance, acceptance and surrender. The ability to communicate with teaching in the ordinary sense of the word but is considered only with helping client realize their own unique way, a style of recovery in the world. It is the attitude the why of helping others to understand, to break through defense against himself to recover from society and discover ones potential. Taking care of yourself manage stress can help you avoid society in the first place. You my think, there is nothing I can do about others. In self actualization you need to be healthy physically and mentally and emotionally, for your own gratification is staying healthy even though there seems to be no spare time at all in your day. In your frame of mind can make a big difference. Accept that you need nourishment too realize that something will relax inside and be able breathe.
Start small being active in your life a couple at a time, by doing things at first it might be different at first but considering day in and day out. A few weeks it will get easier, and once it's a habit you can start self esteem as treatment.
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