
Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-02-27T20:41:16

A emotional trigger in mental health recovery is how you deal with your personal ego so the true self is recognized.

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-02-21T17:42:46

living in search of God is a non-believer search for the truth about everything


I recounted my quest for social justice, to find the truth about mental health recovery and everything else. What is really going on? Why are we here? In middle age, I rediscovered my journey with recovery during my tumultuous adolescence, which an event accord to me for the first time incarceration. In all the intervening years of my life that I have to be honest with my family and friends about spending time incarcerated to anyone who would listen to my problems. It was the kind of event that people call a mystical experience and, to a steadfast atheist and rationalist, nothing less than shattering. 


Consulting and Training View the RI Consulting Listing RI Consulting has a 20-year history of providing industry-leading consulting and training in peer support, crisis services, Psychiatric Rehabilitation and peer-driven systems of care. The RI Consulting team has delivered these services in over 37 states within the US as well as Singapore, Italy, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia. Our consultants work with you to design our trainings to meet your specific needs. The RI Peer Employment Training (PET) program is an industry standard training and is recognized in most states and multiple countries. o Depending on State regulations, our team works with Vocational Rehabilitation (RSA), Veteran’s Administration, Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), and state grants. We work with groups and organizations to bring our trainings to you (some minimum attendance requirements may be applicable); we also support individual enrollment in currently offered trainings. RI Internation...

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-02-12T14:49:38

Robert Booker shared a memory.

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2023-01-25T21:25:14

Untitled Post


Schizophrenia Bulletin Overlap and Mutual Distinctions Between Clinical Recovery and Personal Recovery in People With Schizophrenia in a One-Year Study Robert Booker Peer Support Specialist in Recovery  Additional article information Associated Data Supplementary Materials Abstract Recovery is a multidimensional construct that can be defined either from a clinical perspective or from a consumer-focused one, as a self-broadening process aimed at living a meaningful life beyond mental illness. We aimed to longitudinally examine the overlap and mutual distinctions between clinical and personal recovery. Of 1239 people with schizophrenia consecutively recruited from the FondaMental Advanced Centers of Expertise for SZ network, the 507 present at one-year did not differ from those lost to follow-up. Clinical recovery was defined as the combination of clinical remission and functional remission. Personal recovery was defined as being in the rebuilding or in the growth stage of the Stages...