To my family and friends that know me best, who taught me to question everything, to accept nothing because others do, to be able to change my mind and that right and wrong are independent of authority. A wholesome, stereotypical Michigan native, a former athlete struggling against incident middle age, someone always has myself in an a abstruse book. But for two decades I will atmight I broke laws, stole, and lied on a daily basis about nearly everything. I was almost never who I said I was, or did what I claimed to be doing. I was college dropout. However, I thrived in an environment of depression and anxiety, flourishing in the gray areaes of drinking. Self actualization is the story of most serious assignments, when at first was supposed to become a college student athlete struggling with drugs and alcohol probably because of my journey with mental health and the stages of recovery. On the other hand, what are the stages of recovery for all to know, the stages are admission, complia...